What is the Chinese Birth Gender Calendar?

The Chinese Birth Gender Calendar is a unique conception chart that purportedly determines a baby's sex based on two key factors:

How Does it work?

In its raw form, using the Chinese Birth Gender Calendar can be quite complex. It requires converting both the mother's age and the conception month to the Chinese lunar calendar system, which follows a different cycle than the Gregorian calendar most people are familiar with.

However, to simplify the process, we've created a table that does the conversion for you. This table uses the standard Gregorian calendar dates we're all accustomed to, eliminating the need to reference the lunar calendar directly.

Here's how to use the table:


Chinese Calendar Baby Gender 2020

Chinese Calendar Baby Gender 2021

Chinese Calendar Baby Gender 2022

Chinese Calendar Baby Gender 2023

Chinese Calendar Baby Gender 2024

Chinese Calendar Baby Gender 2025

Chinese Calendar Baby Gender 2026

Chinese Calendar Baby Gender 2027

Chinese Calendar Baby Gender 2028

Chinese Calendar Baby Gender 2029

Chinese Calendar Baby Gender 2030