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Chinese Calendar Baby Gender 2022

Chinese Gender Prediction Chart: Predicting Baby Gender Based on Mother's Age and Conception Month
Mom's conception day before
Mom's birthday
2005-02-09 to 2006-01-28
2004-01-22 to 2005-02-08
2003-02-01 to 2004-01-21
2002-02-12 to 2003-01-31
2001-01-24 to 2002-02-11
2000-02-05 to 2001-01-23
1999-02-16 to 2000-02-04
1998-01-28 to 1999-02-15
1997-02-07 to 1998-01-27
1996-02-19 to 1997-02-06
1995-01-31 to 1996-02-18
1994-02-10 to 1995-01-30
1993-01-23 to 1994-02-09
1992-02-04 to 1993-01-22
1991-02-15 to 1992-02-03
1990-01-27 to 1991-02-14
1989-02-06 to 1990-01-26
1988-02-17 to 1989-02-05
1987-01-29 to 1988-02-16
1986-02-09 to 1987-01-28
1985-02-20 to 1986-02-08
1984-02-02 to 1985-02-19
1983-02-13 to 1984-02-01
1982-01-25 to 1983-02-12
1981-02-05 to 1982-01-24
1980-02-16 to 1981-02-04
1979-01-28 to 1980-02-15
1978-02-07 to 1979-01-27